Animal Photography: Know your subject


Follow these 10 tips to Perfect animal photography: Know your subject #Wild5PawPrint

At Wild 5 Adventures there is an abundance of wildlife that would be paradise for professional or amateur photographers alike!

Goes without saying, right? Since much of wildlife photography is based upon capturing fleeting moments of natural history, it pays to be able to somewhat predict your subject’s behaviour beforehand.

Given, not every species is as predictable as the next, but there are patterns of behaviour ingrained into every animal species.

Knowing your subject can make the difference between being ready and prepared for capturing that “golden moment” and watching it fly by you in agony. There is only one way to get to know wildlife…spend time with them.

Don’t just hang around for a few minutes and seek out the next subject if the one you are observing or photographing isn’t delivering the goods. Sit with them. Watch them. Wait. This also ties into patience, which I will discuss in more detail later.

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