Cebo Nzama

We would like you to meet the amazing Wild 5 Adventures family: Cebo Nzama, AKA Andries #Wild5Family Our staff are much more than employees, they are our family. They help make sure every guest has an unforgettable experience. Cebo Nzama, AKA Andries – You will always find Cebo with a huge smile on his face. He…

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Luke Williamson

We would like you to meet the amazing Wild 5 Adventures family: Luke Williamson #Wild5Family Our staff are much more than employees, they are our family. They help make sure every guest has an unforgettable experience. Luke Williamson is our operations manager. After qualifying as a River Guide at the age of 15, he knew…

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World class safety equipment and standards

Wild 5 Adventures only use World class safety equipment and standards #SafetyFirst Wild 5 Adventures was built on the foundation and core believe that safety will ALWAYS be out number one priority. 

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