Awesome visitor footage

We hope you enjoy this awesome visitor footage of the Wild Swing! They say memories last a lifetime and we agree, but who doesn’t love a video you can share with friends and enjoy over and over? We would like to give a big shout-out and say thank you to Quinten Van Heerden for creating…

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Break Your Boundaries and Do Something Amazing

Today is a special day because it’s time to break your boundaries and do something amazing! Whether it be mild or wild, we have the perfect adrenalin-packed activity to help you break your boundaries and do something amazing! Something that you never thought you would or could do. This quote sums it up perfectly. “You…

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Insane kayaker does the Wild Swing

Watch how this insane kayaker does the Wild Swing. The crazy part is that there is no water! #Wild5Adventures Luke Williamson, extreme adrenalin junkie, Manager and Tour Guide at Wild 5 Adventures is seen here combining two of his favorite hobbies, kayaking and cliff jumping! The result is unbelievable! Watch this video to it for yourself!…

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